Tuesday, January 31, 2012


So here is the news Transfers!!!!! Drum roll please!!!! SE QUEDA!!!! I
am staying here in MaipĂș and Hermana Haskell is staying here with me!
So we are exciting to keep working together and pull up our
¨skirts¨and get to work even harder. We have lots of good goals and
feel really good about this next transfers we want to baptize lots
which means Satan is going to be working even harder with us and our
investigators. So pray for us please. So this week has been a pretty
good one. There was an intesnse rainstorm if you remember last p-day
when I was emailing you anyways so we left the cyber to go and work
and we just were shocked to see the streets all flooded! Well lets
just say we did some good dodging and detouring to get to our cita
until we came to a street surounded in water and we couldn´t go
anywhere else. So we just trudged through the dirty water and got
soaked but it was so worth it because we had a really great lesson
with our investigators. So The Hermanas 1 Satan 0 haha. No it was
really good. We also found a lot of good people this week to teach
that we are excited about to start working with and a small family. So
we are going to be working hard with all of them. This week as well
when we were teaching one of our investigators the spirit was there
really strong and me and Hermana Haskell both recieved answers to
prayers. Some things that we have been praying a lot about lately. So
as we were laying in bed that night after we said our prayers we
talked about it and it was just so cool to see that even when we are
trying to help our investigators progress and feel the spirit and
recieve revelation that God is answering our prayers too! Just a
tender mercy on top of all the other blessings we receive. We were
working yesterday or the other day and trying to find some new people
to teach and we were talking to this man and his wife who were out
drinking Mate and he just imediately was like what do you want to
teach me. So we were like about God and Jesus Christ and there Love
for us right....So then he just starts in and tells us all about how
God doesn´t exist and that its all a lie etc. We were just trying to
testify to him and he just wouldn´t listen and so we began talking to
his wife and testifying to her. She began to listen more and he just
kept trying to cut us off and tell us we were wrong and that his wife
didn´t know etc. but we just ignored him and kept her eye contact and
just kept testifying and it was cool to see that he just shut his
mouth and began to see that we weren´t paying attention to him.
Anyways it was good that we were able to testify to his wife at least
but sometimes those people just kill me. I don´t know how you just
just blatently deny that God exists. Its like saying the Sun doesn´t
exist. There is so much evidence that he does exist and I think thats
the think we will find that evidence if we have open hearts and are
really looking. Also this week we had a lunch appointment with some
recent converts and their little boy is sooooooo cute and funny. He
was just saying the funniest things I have ever heard and we were all
laughing so hard. It made me laugh because I remembered our family at
dinner sometimes how it was just absolutely crazy....and Scotty just
always making everyone laughing and Hilary or me and whoever else
whining and Dad just saying ¨OH THERE IT IS THE CYOTE!!!!¨¨ It just
made me laugh! haha. Anyways. it was a good week I am learning lots.
The heat is getting up there again and I just loooooooove it (sarcasm)
I really do like the heat now though but its just hard to work in. So
when I come home and wear hoodies in the summer don´t judge me. :)
Love you all!!

Hermana Anderson

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