Saturday, March 26, 2011

Okay so some really really funny things happened this week and some amazing miracles too. So I will start with the funny. First off the other night we were walking back to the pench and just finishing up some abrir la boca and I needed like 1 more so I saw this pregnant looking woman across the street and I was like hey I am going to go talk to her! Hna. Gutierrez was like who?? I was like that lady over there! She started laughing so hard so then I started laughing and I was like what?! Whats so funny?! She was just able say because she was laughing so hard. That is a man Hermana Anderson!!! So I look closer and yep she was right a long haired big bellied man! So we both burst out laughing again and she always tells me I am so blind now! Good thing I didnt go talk to him and say Hola Senora! I have done that before and boy I wouldnt want to talk to some gringa if she just called me a man! Okay the other thing we had a noche de hogar (FHE) yesterday with a man we are trying to baptize (his wife is a member but inactive) He knows its true and wants to be baptized but just wont come to church. We are working on that and he said he is coming this next week so...hopefully he is telling the truth this time. So as we are sitting there about to start finding faith in christ I feel a tug on my the middle of my skirt up by my thighs and I was like what the heck!! I look down and I see a claw in my skirt and I feel this sick mangy cat crawling up my skirt!!! I was like AHHHHHH!!! hahahahahaha. Then got him out and the Flia Lopez were like oh dont worry he wont hurt you! I was like oh okay! I will just let him make a little bed between my legs really great! So messed up and you know how much I dont like cats. Gross..Oh another funny thing this week. We did service at this ladies house again and cleaned and organized her sons room, Oh my bad. So as we are cleaning and sorting things out I walk by the door and see this hole in the door and I was like what the.....and I see a cockroach just sitting there staring at me. So I was just staring back for a minute and then I was like alright...and just kept working hahahaha. He sat and watching us the whole time. His name is Fred. FYI. So another Cockroach incident. We were eating at a members house and I had a piece of bread and I was about to rip a piece off it and I looked down and this cockroach was sitting on it...I was like ohhhhhhhhhh lovely. So I just left the bread and when the little sick kid crawled towards me I just scooted him off the table with my hand fast hoping the fam did see...haha. The Lord is blessing me with tolorance and love for all his creatures. Cats cockroaches and dogs that try to attack me. :) Shoulder bags are not only for holding scripts and pamphelts...They are great defense weapons. Oh and this one fam. we had lunch with (oh the members feed us joke they seriously do they love us!) The dad he was a guard to the pres. here a long time ago and was a guard when Evita died. The show Evita with Maddona (Andrew Lloyd Webber I think wrote the play or musical or something) She is so famous here she was the pres. wife kinda like a princess Dianna. Did great service to the people. Last funny thing. So after service we were fasting because as a zone we are fasting for baptisms and for our companionship for asistencias. So I am on my knees praying just talking to God and then all of a sudden I hear Hermana Gutierrez say CRAP!!! I lift up my head quick and realize that I fell asleep praying so I slept in this awkward kneeling position for like 30mins!! I have never fallen asleep praying it was so weird!! It just hit me like a wall! hahah. 

Okay now for the miracles. So Tuesday this week we taught Susana and we taught her about the restoration. Things were going great and the spirit was there Hna. Gutierrez started to talk about Joseph Smith and then she just stopped and passed it to me I was like bueno....okay I can do this. (while I am praying for help seriously) Then I started to tell her about the First Vision. Then I told her the account. Vi una calumna de luz mas brillante que el sol.......ĂȘtc. And the spirit just flooded the room. I felt it so strong and there was a silence in the room. I finished and waited for a few seconds then looked her in the eyes and testified of the truthfulness of our message and that Joseph Smith was a prophet. I started to get emotional and finished and she just stared at me. Hna. Gutierrez then took over and then we finished up. We asked her to pray and she prayed perfect!! Exactly the way we taught her!! It was incredible the spirit was there and after we left we both were just like FA!! (wow) seriously a miracle. Then later that day we were tracting and we passed an open door and a woman was in her house drinking Matte. So we always go for open doors cause you are already half way in. So I walked back and introduced ourselves and asked if we could come in a teach her for like 5 to 10 minutes. She was really nice and said yes. So we went in and I taught my first lesson!!! All Spanish!!! SOOOO COOL! Hna. Gutierrez just let me take the lead and she just simply testified after I taught a principle! It was so cool and a tender mercy from the Lord because later this week I was getting discouraged because of the language but I remembered these two experiences and was just like no....I am learning and I am doing this. Be Patient! Thats my motto. At least thats what I have to keep telling myself. Then for church we went and tried to pick up like 7 investigators and all of them stood us up. Satan seriously is working hard on these people (I just got in a fight last night with my husband and I have to make him empanadas to smooth things over, or someone just called me to work or oh I had to do this or that!) So we went to this family that we are teaching to get the son (our ward mission leader is incredible by the way! Seriously!) So we go to his house nothing then we drive to the next house with our WML (ward mission leader) and his family and he wasnt there either so we came back the way we came passing brians house again and who comes walking out the door as soon as we pass! BRIAN!!!! I was like ESPERA ESPERA BRIAN ESTA!! And Hermana Gutierrez is like Wait wait wait in English!!! SO Funny I am speaking spanish and she is speaking english hahaha. So we stopped picked him and and go to church and then we had Sacrament mtg and 3 other investigators were there that we hadnt passed for!! So that seriously was a miracle no lie. We were so happy! So the next couple weeks we are really hoping for some baptisms we have our fingers crossed and really want 3 this tranfers I would love to see Brians whole family baptized but we will see! Today for Pday we made Banana Bread and cookies. We have to bribe the dang sone leaders to bring our packages or they forget like last annoying. Dont worry I will send a pic next week!! I miss you all and I am glad to hear Ethan is healing well and doing great. 

Love you all!
Hna. Anderson

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