Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hey family

Wow this week has been crazy!! I think for a moment I was going to go insane!!! I feel like my emotions on the mission are like a rollercoaster!! Its so not convenient! haha. But thats life right? So ya after having some down days and some stressful times I had a sweet experience where I was able to teach a little part of the lesson all in spanish and it just came easyish for me!! I was so happy after! But like all things that was short lived and the next time I stumbled over even the words in my testimony! haha. The Lord is blessing me though. Talk about killer though. So yesterday we went to the cave of the brujas!! the witches but on our way there we went and saw some fossils and a little waterfall thingy it was pretty sweet! The cave was way cool and it reminded me of going through the cave back home when we went for young womens ahhhhh I love it! So we went through this cave and it was pretty sweet and then we came back out and we were walking down this path and I rolled my ankle of this loose rock and totally ate it like hard core. So I bashed my knee on a rock and my ankle and let me just tell you that kind of pain sort of just paralyzes you. I couldn´t even cry I was just trying really hard not to hyperventilate whilst my comp. and the other hns. and trying to help me in some form! I was just like oh my word oh my word oh my word ahhhhhhh.......so that kinda sucked and for the rest of the day my knee and ankle hurt soooo bad. So the Zone Leaders came over and gave me a blessing that night and my knee is feeling soo good today which is a miracle. In all seriousness. I just remember praying right after I fell in my head please don´t let it be broken please don´t let there be any damage! Any because God loves me I am okay!! So miracle for the week is that I am currently not a cripple!!! Lets party!

So transfers are tommorow and drumroll please...........I am going to........San Juan!!!!!! WHOOOO! With a new comp. and in an area that is on fire! We are washing the area so this is my second area and we are washing again!! SWEET! So I am excited and scared and everyother emotion you can think of yes I am feeling it! I leaving tommorow morning probably at like 3 or 4 in the morning and its like a 7 hours bus ride or more so its going to be lovely. I am going from the most southern area in the mission for hermanas and going to the most northern which is also the hottest I might add! So just a little tidbit the Hermanas that came and did splits with us a couple weeks ago were in San Juan and they were like oh my word our pench has an infestation of cocroaches!!! They come up out of the sink!!!! SICK!!!!! So  I am going to be in the roach pench for the next six weeks or more so pray that I don´t get eaten!! Don´t worry I will document! Oh and I am getting a Latin!!! Woooo. So my spanish is going to jump a ton this next transfer! Am a freaking out right now yes mam! So please keep me in your prayers. She will be great though She speaks really good English so I am lucky! So I am glad to hear baby Ethan is doing better and I will keep praying for him. I think I starting laughing outloud here in the Cyber when I read scotty´s email that sick beast ate through five loaves!! hahahahahahaha. I miss that kid! So this next week there are going to be a lot of changes and I am really going to miss Hna. Pelton! She is all I know here and she has become one of my best friends! It will be hard to leave but hey thats the mission and life so you just take a deep breath and just into the deep end and know the Lord is going to bless you. I can´t believe in a couple weeks I will have been here in Argetina for 2 months!! Where has the time gone!! Wow....its crazy. I am loving it here and working hard to be happy everyday!! I love you all and hope your all doing well!!

Con Amor!

Hna. Anderson

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