Monday, January 31, 2011

Missionary work is hard. I don´t think I have ever been pushed to my limits like I have this last week. physically mentaly and spiritually. I have really had to re-evaluate myself this last week and get a new focus. So much has happened this last week and it seems like I have been here much longer that a week and a half. The days seems so long like a week and then all of a sudden Monday is here again and I find myself trying to find the words to explain to you all that I have felt, seen, and experienced in this last week. Its tough.

Well lets see you remember the woman Elia I wrote about last week? Well we are going to have to drop her because things are just not working. She isn´t keeping her commitments and everytime we see her its just a big cry fest where either me or Hna. Pelton end up getting our faces, hair, legs, arms, etc. stroked by her. Its pretty funny we really have to try and keep straight faces during the lessons and then end up laughing after we leave. We did however find some news this week and we have been really trying to turn the ward around and gain the memebers trust. Its working they are really responding well to us. We had some lunch apt. with some members and we eat pasta and bread that is like a staple here. Everytime I eat I feel like I am going to barf after because I eat so much its terrible! But thats ok. So this week I think I may have been a little de-hydrated I felt like I was going to pass out while tracting in the intense heat!! But I re-hydrated and was ready to go again. Yesterday a miracle occured. We went to see this recently baptized member named Maruca and her roomate Ana. Ana had been taught before but felt really pressured so she didn´t want to get baptized. So we would just go visit with her and her mom got taken to the hospital cause she isn´t doing good and so last week Maruca asked us to go and help her feel better so we went a shared a message about the atonement and I was able to share my testimony about prayer and the comfort I have recieved from the atonement through that. Then we left. Then yesterday we stopped by to teach her and she is just like Hermanas I want to be baptized! We were like what?! How sweet is that!!! So we taught her the first lesson and we set her Fetcha for the 19th of Feb. we have a bit to go with the commandments she needs to stop smoking etc. But I really feel good about her. Then We got a new bishop on Sunday and that was good and the Stake Pres. stood up and was like you will get blessings if you feed the missionaries so now we have lunch apt. every day this week! haha. Pretty funny. This Hna. Named Hna. Fabris came up to us and was like do you need sugar? Hna. Pelton was like sure? Then she pulls out this bag of sugar and we are like what the heck and she opens it up and there are two huge peaches inside! haha. She just smiles gives it to us and says see you! haha. I love the people in our ward. So our old bishops daughters birthday was yesterday so Hna. Pelton and I made her some best we could. And stopped by their house. She was having a party so we gave her the brownies and a card and had some cake. Holy cow it was soooo good. Dulce de leche and cream and peaches and cake ahhhhh......delish! Then we got a pic with her and had to get back to the pench cause it was getting dark and we were in a red area. It was so sweet I think it was Friday we were finished everything and had like 10 min. So we went to the park and they had this puppet show thing on for all the kids and so we sat by the fountain and watched that but behind us on this gazebo thing there were these people doing the Argentine Tango! It was really cool and this guy comes up to Hna. Pelton and I and is like chicas want to dance? We are like no. Hahaha. He was kinda creepy so there ya go. I also almost got besoed by another man this week. ( Thats kissed on the cheeks) But we beso every woman we see here pretty much.....its just lovely. haha. I have really come to apprecaite the simpleness here in Argentina the simpleness of life. Its funny I don´t remember if I told you last week but they have siesta here from like 1 till like 4 where everything is closed and everyone sleeps so we come home eat and do our studies and then go back out. Its so funny. There are so many things that I have seen from the culture here that I totally want to bring back.

So here in the Mendoza mission there are 5 curses. 
1. Falling in a Seykia
2. Getting bit by a dog
3. Getting besoed by men
4. Not making it to the bathroom
5. Getting pooped on by a bird

Luckily I have not been cursed yet. Almost though those men I tell ya! haha. I really wish I could tell you more about whats its like here its just so tough. One thing I love though is the Spanish. Its not like a mexican Spanish where they talk really fast they speak like Italians with passion and feeling but in Spanish. I love it! haha. So when I come home......don´t think I am weird. We had zone conference this week and that was cool to see all the zone and get taught by Prez. and his wife. We learned lots and it gave me that boost I needed. We had a safety meeting about earthquakes cause this area is a place where they experience a lot. So that was kinda funny. One of the things we were told to do was if we were in bed to stay there cover our face with our pillow and stay there.....I am thinking in my head at this point I wonder if they thought about the possibility of suffication.....nope. haha. I am really seeing the lords hand in the work here. I feel like he has put Hna. Pelton and I in this area to change it and to really help the ward be strengthened. the old bishops wife last night said to us. You too are angels. I trust you completely! We were like SWEET!!! So she gave us some names! That is one thing that missionaries need more than anything so please if missionaries every ask you for a reference please help them out! Don´t be afraid! By not giving them a reference you are inhibiting someones possibilty at salvation!! Haha. I know that sounds harsh but really its true. I love you all and hope your doing well!

Te Amo!

Hna. Anderson

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