Monday, January 24, 2011

I don´t even know where to begin here. From the begining.

So I left the MTC excited and really nervous for this new adventure. I was up around 530 because another Hermana left and we were saying goodbye to her and then we just finished last minute packing ect. So we got to the airport and litterally just caught our flight there was a huge line up and everything for security so that took some time. Being the travel leader I was stressed cause I didn´t want to miss the flight and have everything messed up. But we were blessed. So we flew into Atln. Goergia and it was so weird landing there and knowing that Scott was there too! I went to get some food and I remember seeing people and just thinking Scott is going to be teaching these people! I got really excited for him. Then I called all of you! It was so good to hear all your voices and know your all doing good. We were able to give a man a pass along card in the airport cause he asked for a Book of Mormon for his friend but we only had spanish so we gave him a card and told him to call the number. So the plane ride wow......lets just say the longest flight of my life but it was seriously so sweet cause we had like 25 elder/sisters on the flight all flying into Buenos Aires and it was just really cool to see! I remember this man when we flew into Georgia was like oh good missionaries on our flight we are going to be safe. I kinda laughed inside because I was like oh ya!!! So the flight to Argentina. It was about 10 hrs. a Red eye flight did I get much sleep? NO haha but thats okay I got a few hours. Before I slept though we had some really really rough turbulance and we were looking out our window and we saw these huge thunder heads and tons of lightning! It was so sweet! Then the sunrise! WOW! It was huge and red and sooooo bright! I loved it! So ya I looked and felt disgusting after that flight but was that all? Oh no haha. So we landed in Buenos Aires and I remember thinking Oh my word I am in Argentina!!! I looked around at the people and just got this sense of love already for the culture and the people. So all of us missionaries filed through the gates with our bagagge and everything and there was like 3 mission pres. there! Cause there were missionaries from like 4 or 5 missions in our flight. So that was a cool sight. We were met by a guide who took us to this little bus and we borded that (more like a van) and we drove about an hour to a smaller airport. Lets just say it was HOT!!! And humid. Coming from Winter in Provo to Summer in Argentina.....yaaaa. My body has been adjusting ok though. So then this guide takes some of the other elders to their flight and leaves my group there for like.....3 hours yep. We had no clue what was going on or anything so we just ate some stuff an talked to some people. Hna. Crapse and I got into a conv. with this boy (I can´t remember his name right now) and we talked for like an hour in spanish and english. He knows some English. So that was cool. He asked for our e-mails..hahaha. So I gave him our mission address and asked for his and I am going to give his address to someone so they can refer it on and send the missionaries over sneaky I know. hahah. So then we get in line to get tickets with our guide that finally came back and that took about 45 min and come to find out they didn´t have all our tickets bought mine was and 2 others so he rebooked us on a later flight....ya...So then we waited about another hour and got on the flight to Mendoza That flight was good I fell asleep on that flight for about 30 or 40 min and woke up and we were almost there. Landing and getting all our stuff was once again part of the routine by this point and we were all just exhausted. Pres. Lindahl His wife and the Assistants were there to meet us. And yes from the pic I look pretty sick I know hahaha. I seriously was so tired and yet was still going. 36hrs. Ay ay ay. So we drove to pres. house and it was about 730 by now the day later and we ate lasanga salad bread fruit and ice cream and this cake thing. It was really good! Then they took us to the mission office and Hna. Crapse and I slept there all by ourselves. hahaha. I remember driving up and being like okaaaay. There are bars all over the church and mission office but we were totally safe. The assistants gave us a cell phone in case we needed anything. The first night was good I finally got to sleep and woke up and got ready for another day. We did a bunch of orientation stuff and Pres. interviewed each one of us. It was good to talk to him and he is very protective of the Hna´s so don´t worry mom! We finally got to meet our trainers. My trainer is Hermana Pelton! She is from Seattle Washington and has been here about 9 months. She seriously is exactly like me so much so that is freaks us both out hahaha. She is great though I love her. So we ate burgers (argentine style so different but good) Then all the newbies and their trainers we out into the street to contact! ya....I was freaked out!! Its called ALB Abrir la Boca open your mouth. So I was scared but Hna. Pelton pushed me to do it and helped me a lot. So that was really good. We came back and then we got into a taxi and drove to the bus station. Lets just say that is is sooooo hot here. AHH. especially compared to provo. So we waited in this sticky hot bus station where dogs come in and run around and little boys come and try to sell you things and they are just so dang cute. Anyways we get on this double leveled bus and drive 4 hours to my area. 
SAN RAFAEL!! It is beautiful here. We are at the bus station get off and have to walk to our pench. (Pension is spanish for our apt.) So me with my 3 pieces and my tracting bag that weighs like 30 pounds because of all my books drag our luggage about 8 blocks to our pench. This is through busy streets as well and heat. Just picture me sweat pouring off my face my muscles feeling like they were going to rip and struggling to not look like a total gringo. Epic fail. hahaha. it was good though. We finally made it and came up to our pench. Oh on a side note Hna. Crapse and her trainer live with us too. Just a different area. So thats kinda cool we are still living together. So we come into our pench and kinda just take a deep breath and start unpacking and then we go out to get some ice cream with the elders. A place called Gridos. SOOOO good! Bed time that night was interesting. I have a hard time sleeping already and all this stress and time change etc. really is messing me up haha. But its good. that night I slept a bit and the next day we went out to work and finished unpacking. The rest of this week has been a rush of work and heat and tiredness and faith etc. We had the sweetest experience though we went and knocked into this woman named Elia and she is Catholic and she let us in and we start talking to her and she just starts crying and I don´t really know what she is saying so Hna. Pelton is mostly talking to her and she looks at me to bare my testimony a few times which was really cool. But I was so blessed to see her and understand her body language and listen to the spirit and know how to react with my body language and she was so cute she is starting at me for like the whole lesson and then she reaches our and grabs my nose like you would a little kid. So smile and laugh and we just continue. Hna. Pelton committed her to read the book of Mormon and guess what! We got a fetcha!!!! Thats a baptismal date. Ya! out of the first lesson! I was so amazing the spirit was there and after she gives us a hug and kisses our foreheads. Everyone here kisses eachothers cheeks its called Bosa. So we do it with the women obviously and not the men. So we were done teaching her and left and Hna. Pelton is like Hermana do you understand what just happened in there! That was so amazing! I said ya I know I felt the spirit. So then she proceeds to tell me this woman was like telling her about all this crap that happened to her and that she got robbed and beat up and her daughter is in prison etc. And she said I am more and more convinced everyday that the Mormon church is true! I was like YA!!!!!! Then she said she has been praying this whole week for God and we knocked her door and she was like I know you came from god. You are so pure you are so innocent. I see it I feel it! So I am really excited about her! We have had tons of people that we teach and they are just like no I am catholic and some are interested but we just have to talk to everyone. Its incredible.... Spanish is tough and its coming slow. Hna. Pelton is awesome and very patient with me and she helps give me tips she used so that is good. The more I open my mouth the more the Spanish comes so I just HAVE to have faith that God will fill my mouth... So at the moment we have 4 fetchas for February! we are stoked! The missionary work here is so tought but so amazing too. We walk all day in the heat. We have Siesta here in Mendoza from 1 till like 5 so we come home eat lunch and do study time and then go out at like 4. Its killer hot here seriously! We went to meet the bishop (obispo) and his family but he wasn´t there so we just met his wife and kids. We walked about 20 mins to get to his house out in the country it was long and hot! hahaha. I am going to have some strong legs when I get home! So we have zone conference this week and Hna. Pelton and I have some great goals and plans this week so we are excited! Oh on church on Sunday we had 3 new investigators there and we both went to bare our testimony. I was freaked out! But I bore my testimony and just said what I could in Spanish it was really cool. 
Its hard to say in e-mails all that happens because there is just soooo much and you really can´t explain it all. Oh here is some more stuff we went to a catholic church today just inside to look. Very cool. And we do our laundry by hand here......yep! haha. So we do it all by hand in the sink in our pench. So......ya...... 
I can´t think of anything else but I took some pics and will upload them here. ENJOY!!!! 
Te Quiero! 
Hna. Anderson

P.S. I just remembered! As I was unpacking I found a cockraoch in my bag!!! YEP! SO SICK!!!!!!! Also I have fallen in love with Spanish Music.....yes its happened and I never thought it would but I seriously love it so much so after the mish....yep! Also sorry no pics this week the comp is messed I will put some on next!

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