Monday, January 24, 2011

Hey Family!
Well this week has been really crazy!  but anyways. I have a couple of really funny experiences so just yesterday we were on our way to a Dinner Apt. and we were driving down the road and there was this guy on the side walk waving a sign that says Jesus Loves You! haha it was so random and hilarious and we noticed his hat said the same thing so we rolled down the window and he was like Hallejiah! haha it was so hilarious I dunno Iam started to see how crazy stuff is down here in the south. Lindsay will understand. Also there was this huge billboard by our Apartment that said The Wise Men knew you can too! and then it was like He is Coming again! May 21 2011 hahaha so aparently the 2nd coming is on May 21 so be ready. But it has been up for like 8 weeks and they just took it down yesterday! haha We had exchanges this week and so I went with Elder Morris another Elder in our district. (we have 6 elders in our district but im only living with my companion and 2 others. The other companionship is in a place called Smyrna where I went for exchanges) and we had about 8 apointment on Saturday and so we started off the day and all but one apt fell through! It was terrible but we got to tract a ton but seriously it was so wierd. I had an old lady freak out at us because we cant teach her by herself for our safety we always have to have a man present so she was like theres no place in the Bible that is says you cant teach without a man! Do you think Jesus stood outside peoples doors and was like I cant come in! This went on for quite some time and we tried to explain that its out of safety and respect for her as weel because some women feel uncomfortable and her response was quote "What do you think Iam going to do, Rape you!?" Elder Morris and I just look at eachother and almost started laughing hahaha! Anyways we got a return apt with her with a member from the ward so we can go in. haha. Down here everything is so funny like you knock on a door and the hispanics look through the blinds and sometimes think we are the police so they dont answer or you look right at them but then everything goes silient in the house even though we just looked at them and they dont answer it. Its really sad but hilarious at the same time. More of the white people that speak english that we tract sometimes open the door and instantly say, "Oh no thanks I read my bible and pray everyday!" its so funny!  Yesterday we were going to see a guy named carlos we wanted to teach again and this guy stops us and we told him alot about what we do and hes like that so sweet and explained he was in jail before and read the bible alot in there and then we were like well can we have a prayer with you and hes like sure of course so were like whats your name? and hes like oh thats not important your probably busy I'll just let you go. haha so were like well we wanna pray with you and hes like you pray for me and I'll pray for you! haha then he was like can y'all listen to music and whatnot so we were like some and he offers us the brand new phillips mp3 player that we are pretty sure he stole cuz it hadn't even been opened and we were kinda in the ghetto. I just love the people down here. Its so fun! We explained we aren't aloud to take things from people but it was super nice of him and went on our way to teach the guy named Carlos. So we knock at his door and his little sister answers and is like hes not here hes working so were like ok and his brother walked by and was like hold on so we finished talking to the girl and she closed the door so we went to unlock our bikes to head back and Carlos comes out and were like what? He explained his family didn't want us to come in but that he wants to talk to us! I knew he was really interested when we first taught him so we have a apt with him and it was awesome! Im really excited for it! anyways thats my week! I love it here im still trying to understand what people are saying and things but its coming! I love the work! I love you all!
Love Elder Anderson

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