Monday, February 27, 2012

HEY Family

So this week was full of things good and bad ups and downs. I don´t
think anyone that hasn´t been on a mission can really understand or
appreciate the feeling we have here. I feel like everyday is like a
rollercoaster ride. One moment we are up and another way way down. So
those were my feelings this week. Satan is working hard here in Maipú.

So lets see we have been working with 2 people for a while now that we
have been trying to get baptized for a few weeks now and we had a
lesson with him on Wednesday and it was so great. We had a member with
us and we were in the church and we were teaching him about tithing
and the prophet and he is just so prepared its incredible. He has no
problems with anything. Always just really accepting and everything.
After we taught him I showed him and picture of Thomas S. Monson and
asked him if he believes he is a prophet. He was like you know I have
heard a lot of the members use quotes from him in the ward when they
speak and they are so powerful I really do feel like come from God. Ya
I do think so. He is so sensitive to the spirit. Anyways we talked to
him about being baptized without his girlfriend or first and then her
the next week etc. He was like yes. I am going to be baptized this
weekend with or without her. So we were way stoked because we knew
that if he took the step she would too. So then we had interviews the
next day and talk about a complete turn around. They pulled up on his
motorbike and we were all ready with the Elders and so he got
interviewed and while he was getting interviewed she started talking
to us and telling us about how her mom doesn´t want her to get
baptized and they were all discouraging her a ton and then she
discouraged her boyfriend. Basically we were way bummed and I just
wanted to kill satan after that because freak he just never gives up I
swear. Anyways so we were pretty discouraged and we are just working
hard to get them ready this next week. Something funny that happened
this week is that I almost died twice this week. The Argentine dogs
are insane here. 
There are so many cross
breeds that we sometimes see dogs with more than one foot. Anyways so
we were walking by this house to knock and Hermana Haskell is
terrified of Dogs. So I was in front and all of a sudden this dog
started barking and running at me so I just the sequia.(which is like
a ditch) and turned around and he was right in front of me about to
jump on me and kill me. I just had by bottle in my hand and was
defending myself with 500 mil of water so my hopes of surviving
weren´t very high anyways then this little boys runs out and saves my
life and it was a miracle. My heart was just pounding after and I was
like woah! Hermana Haskells eyes were huge and wide and she was like I
don´t know how you survived that. You should have died! Well not 2
days later we were trying to contact references and we look across the
street at the house we need to go to and we see 2 big rot wilers. I
was like hmmmm......Hermana Haskell is way behind me just walking
really slowly so I knew she had no intention of trying to contact them
so I started walking slowly around the car to go and knock the door,
and this dog just freaks out and runs at me full attack mode on and I
just had no clue what to do. I ripped my bag off my shoulder and put
it down in front of me and then just waited until he jumped on me and
started to bite me. Well thanks goodness that moment never came there
were angels for sure protecting me. The dog just stopped right in
front of my little bag and was barking and freaking out at my. Then
the owner opened the door and I started walking away and he was like
did you get bit?! I was like no no I am okay. Then we invited him to
listen to our message hahaha. So basically after that one my body was
shaking so bad and Hermana Haskell just kept looking at my like and
saying You are so lucky! I thought I was going to watch you die for
sure this time hahahaha. Anyways so I am starting to develop a little
fear for dogs now. Especially in this one barrio we go into because
the dogs are all phsyco and there are hundreds of them. So that was a
story of the week. We had a great Sacrament Meeting this week there
are a brother and sister leaving on the mission together and all
returned missionaries bore their testimonies and the spirit was so
strong it reminded me of when me and Scott spoke at our farewell
together. It brought back a lot of memories and the spirit helped me a
lot feel better as it was a hard week. So we have some great goals
this week. I have lots of drive just to be positive everyday and have
fun and work hard. So we will see what Satan has to throw at us this
week. Anyways thats all I can think of to right. Love you all!!

Hermana Anderson

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