Monday, June 20, 2011

This week has been so great!! We seriously saw miracles! First of all I was sick at the begining of the week and called the mission nurse and she told me to stay in the pench for the afternoon and the next morning get into my bed and not I did and I felt way better when we went out the next afternoon. I think I was just exhausted plus the stress of training, and my cold on top of it just made everything worse. But now I am all good. So this week we had interviews with President. Our last one! It was kinda strange I felt really sad to see him go but we are excited to see the news changes in the mission thats for sure! I can´t believe how fast the time is flying by! I hit my 7 month mark this week! WHAT!!!!??? I can´t believe it! So this week was really really cool for lots of reasons but one of the best I will tell you about. We went out to work this one morning and we decided to work in an area we hadn`t worked in yet so we go over to this place and we start working....and we started to walk towards the family whose kids we just baptized to teach them the lessons again and on our way we were knocking...and nothing. I was getting really frustrated because I just felt like Man what am I doing wrong! I was praying and asking the lord for guidance and trying to listen to the spirit but the only thought was the one I had well lets just go see if the family is there. So we get there and no! So I was like whatever this is so dumb. So we are walking by the apartment complex next to their house and Hermana Bedke was like have you ever tried here? I said no but I didn´t know if we could. I didn´t know if we were allowed to go and knock in them and then I just thought oh who cares I am a missionary lets do it!. So we went and knocked on the first floor and nothing the second and nothing and the third there was nothing so we were coming down the stairs from the third floor and we look up to see a woman standing in the door we had knocked. I was like oh sorry we knocked your door then I introduced who we were and asked her if we could come in and share a message with her. She said sure! We were like WHAT!! OKAY! So we go in and sit down and I started to ask her some questions to get to know her and all of a sudden she just starts sobbing! Hermana Bedke and I looked at each other and were just like I felt like we should teach the Plan of Salvation to her. She told us how she is alone how her husband and her are seperated and her kids are with him and she doesnt see them etc. I really felt for her. So we told her that God has a plan for her and that she has so much reason to be happy and to have hope! It was so great she wanted to come to church and everything! So we gave her a Book of Mormon too and we asked if we could close with a prayer. She said yes and I asked her if she would pray. She said she would so then I asked her if we could kneel down and pray again she said yes. So we are kneeling and she begins to pray and is just sobbing through it begging God for love and peace and support. She closed perfect and we stood up. I gave her a big long hug and she just cried and said Thank you! She gave Hermana Bedke a hug and as we were leaving she said I feel a peace now a peace inside! I was like do you know what it is? So then I testified about the spirit to her and told her God was answering her prayers. She just smiled and we told her we would be by in the morning to pick her up for church. SO GREAT!!! So now we are walking to the bus to catch to go and get our lunch from a member. She was just going to give us some in a tupperware and so I was like okay. But she called us and said hey actually are you able to stay now? So we said ya. She was going to go to her moms house for lunch but their water tank broke or something so they had to stay home and this is the miracle part of it! We go in and they are hosting this girl from New York who is here for school doing humanitarian stuff for her spanish class! She is 14 and we were talking to her (which is so hard to talk to people other than missionaries in English for some reason) But I felt so confident it was so wierd! The mission has really helped me to develop that. So anyways we are talking and eating and we find out she is Jewish and that Hermana Bedke shared the scripture and so I shared what we were talking about and what the Book or Mormon is. She said she didn´t know if God lives and so I just felt like I needed to bear my testimony to her and so I just talked to her about how she could find out if he was really there through prayer! IT WAS SOOOOO HARD IN ENGLISH but I bore it and I felt after like who knows if one day she will really need God and remember what I told her and what she felt because I know she felt the spirit and that maybe she will pray! I felt really really blessed to have had the opportunity to share my testimony with her. It was really great! So that day in the afternoon we just had so much success too! It was seriously an awesome day!! Then that lady I was talking about before she came to church all three hours and she loved it! I really want to get her baptized this next weekend or the one after! We also had two more at church and one we taught last night and we are teaching this week on Wednesday and showing the restoration movie! I am so stoked!!!!! Today I have been feeling kinda down and really just frustrated I dont know why. I know Satan is just trying to get me down and I just need to be greatful and look at these great blessings I am recieving and not doubt that God is here for me personally. I need your prayers this week and thanks again for the letters I always feel better after reading something from the fam.
Love you all!
Hermana Anderson
p.s. Remember the family we almost baptized that moved out of our area!!?? Guess what we gave their number to the elders and they are going to baptize them and the girls want me to come!!!! So if I have permission from our leaders we are totally going!! It will be soooooo cool!!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!

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