Monday, May 23, 2011

Wow so huge news this week. We had to go to a hotel as you know just cause our pench was getting painted because we were going to get some other hermanas. The plan was that. So our lunch apt. got cancelled and so because we were in a hotel we didnt have food so we went out to eat and we are in this place and the phone says we have a missed call from President...So we were like okay! So called him and he is like HEY how are you Hermana Anderson! I was like great President how are you? So after making sure we were okay in the hotel and all taken care of he says sooo are you sitting down? I was like yeah? So he is like good! So how would you feel if I called you to train! I was like WHAT!!! PRESIDENT!! He starts laughing because he knows I am terrified to train! So he said okay so here is what I am thinking. One of the Hermanas broke her ankle and so she is going home. She didnt have much time left anyways so its all good. So we are short an Hermana and so he is sending a new gringa here and Hermana Gutierrez and me are both training her! I was like okay we can do that! He was like how do you feel to be training in your 4th transfer! I was like uhhhhh a little freaked out! haha. He was like well you can brag about it! I would I have learned to use what you can on the mission! I was like okay! hahahaha. But really I am nervous for this new advendture! So yes Hermana Gutierrez and I will be together for ANOTHER transfer!! Thats 3!! I cant believe it! She cant either! But we are both excited to be together again! haha. Our one investigator isnt getting baptized now the girl. Her dad came and said she cant and that she cant come to church anymore! We were really bummed but we know we did all we could.  I did divisions this week for the first time with a member and it was hard! I spoke lots though and started the lessons and surprised myself to see how much I have come! I was able to teach and to be a missionary! It was really cool! I am excited to do more especially now that we are going to be a trio! So we have to go to Mendoza on Wednesday morning to pick up our new companion! We are really excited! I have been thinking a lot about my first days in the mission and how overwhelmed I was and I just really want this new Hermana to feel at home and to love the work! I was thinking too how I was the newby only 3 transfers ago!!!! What the heck!! haha. Time really flies!
So I really like the BOM challenge from Scott´s mission president and I think I will try it after my challenge is done. I seriously love the Book of Mormon and LOOOOOVE IT! I think its funny that Scott wrote home about obedience increasing our faith because that is something I learned this week as well. We had a great district meeting and our district leader taught us about that and shared with us 2 Nephi 1:21 on I think and chapter 4 verse 17. I love Nephi and he obedience and his incredible faith. I was actually reading in Ether not to long ago and I was thinking about how the brother of Jared had so much faith. Enough to move a mountain. Enough to see Jesus Christ! I was thinking about how I can gain that kind of faith and what I need to do. I love the simpleness of the answer! OBEDIENCE!! Its so simple! I love that the mission provides a great opporunity for us to be obedient on a higher level than at home! I love that quote in Preach My Gospel that says ¨(When Obedience ceases to be an irritant and becomes a quest....I cant remember the last part but I am just going to make it up.....we see miracles not only in the lives of those around us but it ours as well!) How awesome!! That is my goal. Is to become more obedient! Back to my thoughts about the Brother of Jared.....he showed that perfect obedience! The Lord told him to go and find a way for him to light the barges and so he went and did exactly that! He prepared himself and brought his plan to the Lord and (in my own words) just told him. Lord I have done my part and now I know that you can light these stones for me. All is possible and because I have done all that you have asked I am going to pull down a miracle! I love that so much! We need to have that kind of obedience so that we can go to the Lord and say Lord I have done my part I am here to pull down a miracle! I have definitely seen that and I am excited to see more miracles in my mission as I become a more qualified servant of God and I know that this opporunitiy to train will help me become a better person and a better missionary. Pray for me I will need all the help I can get! I love you all and hope that some of my learning experiences can help you all on your quest to perfection. Its never easy but its always worth it!

Love Hermana Anderson

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