Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hey Family!! 

It was so good to hear from some of you yesterday!! I was actually able to talk to Scotty a little bit too. He called Hilary and David on another line while I was talking to them and they put the phones together and we talked a little bit. Its always good to hear the voices of your family. So this week has been pretty crazy! We had some great things happen we were able to teach some of our investigators and get them progressing on towards baptism. I am really really really hoping we get some this next weekend....we will see. So we were walking in the street this week back from a lunch apt. and we passed this place I dont even know what it is but a bunch of men were working there and they were like whistling and asking for our number. Then this man came out and was like hey he wants your number!! I was like sorry no thanks! hahaha. So that was kinda funny! It funny we have seen some great miracles this week. I have really learned to have trust in the Lord. Especially when fasting. Some times we fast for something and when it doesnt come in the time we think it will we imediately loose our faith and think. AHH God didnt answer my prayer!! But always if we just have faith and trust in God and miracle comes sometimes not in the way we think but it always does. So this week overall has been pretty good! I cant believe how fast time is going by here it seems like just yesterday I got here and all of a sudden next week I am out six months!! 1/3 of my mission! WOAH! Its actually pretty cool sometimes when I am talking in Spanish with my companion or with people in general and I am listening to what they say I sometimes dont realize that we are speaking spanish. Especially with my companion. Sometimes I am like wait did you just say that in English or Spanish or I wont remember if I spoke English or Spanish. Because I am able to understand exactly what they say! Haha its so funny..Definately a blessing. Its crazy how many miracles we see here in the mission. Being able to speak and understand the little Spanish I can is a miracle...So thank you to all those who are praying for me and my little brother and for all the missionaries. We feel it!
Now for today. You will never believe what we did today for P-Day. We got a call from our district leader who said "Okay Hermanas you need to come to Pocito (their area) tommorow and wear clothes that you can get dirty okay? We are like okay what are we doing? He is like you will see!" So we were a little nervous because sometimes the elders plan crazy things. Well once again we were right. We show up and then Elders are all gathered around this potato sack and we are like hmmmm okay....so we go over and look in and what do we see! They have a pig!!!!! So what did we do? We greased up the pig with oil and lard and we had a pig chase!! So funny!!! Okay so I was really freaked out to touch the pig but finally I caught it and picked it up to the elders delight because they all called me a chicken and told me I was raising up the Canadian White Flag....I couldnt let my country down or my dignity so I had to do it. It was really funny. Anyways it was a good day and we are looking forward to this next week. We have lots to do! 
Love you all!!
Hermana Anderson
Sorry I have to send some next week cause my camera is dead!
Love ya!

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