Monday, April 25, 2011

Well this week has been great! The open house of the Atlanta Temple was awesome! It felt so good to be able to see a temple again and walk on the grounds and inside. One of our investigators who we took thats 13 said,"Even the temperature is perfect here!" haha I thought it was funny! It was awesome we were able to have everyone that we invited come to the open house and we all went as a branch! I think their might be a picture on the internet somewhere but I am not sure. I just felt the spirit of peace and happiness as we walked on the grounds and entered the temple and it was amazing to me that the spirit was so strong there and it hadn't even been rededicated yet. It was super busy I think there were over 6000 people going a day. We also have a baptismal date with our investigator, a different one, that came to the temple also and thats for May 3rd so I am really excited! He seems awesome! So Elder Reese and I were asked to speak at church a about a week ago and then I prepared a talk in spanish and everything and when we got to church the branch president was like umm can you talk on the resurrection instead and the atonement because I think he forgot it was Easter Sunday so I was like oh man. I was super nervous and a little scared but I just got up and did my best and shared a few scriptures about the atonement and I talked for about 8 minutes. I was super happy because I just felt the spirit because it was probalby the first time I just was able to speak without shaking and I just did my best to try and speak the best I could. My spanish is getting alot better. We were able to go to a members house after and have dinner with them so it was nice. They had a little easter egg hunt with the kids after. Today we are doing what is called a Carne asada not really sure how to spell it but its like really thin meat thats grilled and you eat it in corn tortillas and yeah its way good. Its hispanic food, so me and Elder Reese are making it for our district since we are the only spanish in our district. Sounds like everything went well at home. It was good to get the pictures although the 8 you sent at the same time were like super small but I could make it out. Things are going good here. I love the work so much and the spirit that comes with the calling. I have never felt closer to the spirit ever before and I honestly dont wanna come home sometimes and lose that mantel. Its crazy that I have only been out for 3 transfers but have been out for 6 months because of the 9 weeks in the MTC. I feel like I have been out for like 17 months or so and my comp has been out for 18 in a week or so. He even says he feels like Ive been out longer. I love the gosepl. I just love finding truths and learning about the spirit and how to be closer. How to give up things to feel closer to it. I dunno. Its cool. Anyways. I love you all and I will talk to you in a 13 days on the phone. Weird...

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