Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Yes I am staying in San Juan for another transfer with......Hna. Gutierrez!!! We are both really excited! We both wanted to stay together so this is a blessing. Okay so here is the great news this week!!!!! We have a baptism!!!! Set for this Sunday! Brian! We are so excited! We are going to fast for him on Tuesday and he has his interview on Wednesday! He is so humble and so inoccent. We asked him on Sunday when we went to get him for church who he wanted to baptize him he was supposed to think about it the night before and he thought for a second and looks up at us and says.....the prophet. We were smiling so big and Hermana Gutierrez just was like oh well he is in the states and I dont think he will be able to make it so then Brian was like oh okay then Lucas. He is the Bishops son! After we were laughing so hard because we were just like that is so awesome! He wants the prophet to come and baptize him! Why not?!!! I love it!! So let see this week has been pretty good. We set a bunch of goals for this transfer to have more sucess and we really want to see the fruit of our labour this transfer....I know we can if we keep working hard and have faith. Brian is proof of that. So we have a new Zone leader and he is really by the book and really good. It is going to be interesting to see the difference in the zone this transfer....I know we are going to have more sucess. So Yesterday we went to another area one of the elders areas the whole zone and we went and found news. Our goals was families. We were each supposed to look for a family to teach or at least contact for the elders. So their branch could grow. So Hna. Gutierrez and I split up and went with some members. Needless to say I was a little nervous. I went with a girl that we have had work with us before he name is Mirta. She seriously is great and a 12 yr. old came with us too. So off we went and I was forced to speak Spanish the whole time. I did! I talked with her a lot and I saw how far my Spanish had come and not only that but that I could be a missionary I could lead. I have never lead before and this time I had to and it was a very different feeling having to just have faith that God would help me with my lack of ability. I love seeing the miracles in the mission especially and they are happening. So the Martines family were away this weekend but we are going to get them to church next week. We are going to go and make breakfast with them and then go to church. We are going to try to set fetchas with all of the kids this next week. We really want to see them baptized but they really need to assist again and go to primary and feel the spirit. I know that we can do it. It is going to take a lot of hard work and praying and fasting. So here goes nothing. This week is going to be hard! haha. But hey thats when I learn the most! So I got my hair cut today by a member that lives above us she is a hairdresser......lets just say that I have had better. Its a little...choppy/uneven.....hahahahahaha. So I think I might be learning how to cut my own hair in the mission....who knows.....Oh so last night in the street Hermana Gutierrez and I were walking back to the pench and the savage dog came out of no where and almost bit me on the back of my leg! I screamed and we both jumped around and swung our bags at it and then a car drove by and the dog ran off chasing the car! So we were like quick nows our chance to escape!!! So I almost got bit. Unfortunately I did get besoed by a man last night and this morning actually....dang there goes my streak. So last night we were talking to this man that besoed me and he was like where are you from so I said Canada and then he started speaking English and he was like you speak english and I was like yes. Then I talked to him and bit and as we were leaving a put my hand out to shake it and he just came in and before I knew what was happening I was being besoed.....and then this morning a man we were teaching in the groccery store saw us and I went to say hi and shook his hand and then he pulled me in and besoed me! He only got one though and was like oh dear two days in a row......this is not good!! But hey sometimes you cannot help it they just love kissing here thats for sure! hahahah. Well I can´t think of anything else! Its mothers day soon so I will get to call home. Just remember I only get one hour so you will have to organize yourselves well. I love you all and miss you. 
Hermana Anderson

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