Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hey Family.
Today this is going to be a bigger email. First and formost I need some contact solution. ASAP if possible. Alrighty letters start off with some rather unpleasent expiernences shall we? The other night my companion and I were in the apartment getting ready for bed and everything and we heard gunshots outside our apartment inside the apartment complex somewhere! Super intense! I think we heard a total or 4 or 5? Maybe a driveby? Who knows but all is well. We called 911 well my companion did and just reported gunshots and then later that night we heard the cop come and asking around about it. Georgia is so ghetto sometimes. Seriously I am just so grateful for where I live. Even the spirit here is just wierd. The South is messed up but I love the people. We had a baptism on Tuesday for Noche de Hogar (FHE) so that was great and then on saturday we had a wedding of two of our investigators! They are getting baptized tomorrow for FHE as well! I am super excited! Its great to see people make changes in their lives and align themselves with God and his Gospel. Conference was absolutely amazing! I loved loved loved it! Unfortunatly I was unable to see conference because we had to help set up for the wedding thing which made me super annoyed but I think we will be able to see a recording of it or somthing. If not I can just wait for the Ensign. I loved Dallin H. Oaks talk on desires and Richard G. Scott's talk about family and his wife Janene. Elder Holland gave an amazing talk as usual to close the Sunday afternoon which was really great! 3 new temples eh!? Manitoba! Colorado and Idaho. Awesome! Also Rome Italy! That is such a big deal because it is Catholics HQ! Recently I have felt that the 2nd coming is going to happen very very soon. I dont know about you but this whole conference re-emphisized self reliance, family, temple ordinances and Law of consecration! President Monson came out and said the prophecy about the temples was fulfilled and also Elder Holland was saying how the angels who will sound trumps in the last days are pretty much the apostles who speak at conference! Plus with all the other termoil in the world about Japan's Tsunami and all that I just feel it is super close!  Anyways things are going good. Everythings awesome with my comp. We had another talk and figured out everything. Apparently my personality is one that hes had alot of bad experiences with so we jsut talked and we concluded he was automatically throwing up a wall and then we just were like good. Everythings going way good now. We have transfers on Wednesday and so I wont know until tonight when we get calls from either Assistants or President. But I'll let you know next week I guess. Also Another thing I just remembered is I was going to give a lesson to an investigator, well more of a less active partmember family. And I was praying about it and as I was thinking about it going to bed I had the lesson form in my head and I wrote everything down and it was st super good. I felt so confident about it and everything then when I went to give it I thought it was good then he just didn't respond (the dad) and was just not interseted and I was thinking I had this revelation for you!! It was super annoying and really frustrating especially since the member who came with us was like honestly that lesson wasn't very good. Overall I came to the conclusion that everyone has their agency to accept things, and also maybe this was just an experience for me that I can now for 100% that I can recieve revelation for my investigators as I seek it. I just need to continue to learn and grow and practice. Anyways. Thats all. That was way to long.
Love ya!
Elder Anderson!

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