Wednesday, March 28, 2012

HEY Family!!!

Well this week has been a good one getting into a schedule and trying to
get a good grove going with my new comp. We are working well together and I
can´t believe how different it is training a latin. Its definitely a very
different experience. We have had some good lessons this week and found
some good news. I have been trying to get a more organized study program
going on for myself and I feel like the Lord is helping me and showing me
how to be organized. I really love how the lord is blessing me. I think its
such a great experience being a trainer in the last months of the mission
because it helps you get more focused and get back to the basics. I love
that. I feel like its something we all lack sometimes. So I had some great
talks with Hermana Bedke this week and I am learning a ton and starting to
see how much the mission prepares you for life....I sometimes feel like
life before the mission was just a dream. That my real life is here in the
mission. So apparently there was an earthquake in Chile where my comp. is
from and it was like a 6.6ish and Hermana Bedke and Navarro felt it. We
were walking in the street so we didn´t feel anything. We have this one
investigator that is progressing really well and he wants to be baptized on
the 7th of April so we are trying to get him prepared for that. I am sooooo
excited for Conference this weekend. I seriously get more excited for
Conference than for any other thing in the mission. I cannot believe how
fast it has come again. I am making a goal and it is also a goal that we
have extended to many investigators and menos activos and conversos
recientes, to write down a list of questions or concerns etc. and take it
to conference and watch how the Lord answers our prayers through the
prophet and the apostles. I am excited to recieve more personal revelation.
I had to laugh to hear Scotts´s experience in Atlanta in the South where he
gets so much racisms and down here being of a different race or country
brings such a different reaction from the people. Some good reactions and
others not wanted. Mostly from men and young boys. I feel like a celebrity
some times down here and it just makes me laugh. So today for P-Day we
played in the church with the elders but we had to go find a ball at a
members house and so me and my comp. ran down there and there was like 3
dogs outside the house that almost bit my face off! She ran behind me
because she is deathly terrified of Dogs and I was just like seriously
Dogs!!! This is the third time in like a month I swear! Luckily nothing
happened because I stood my ground and the dog walked away finally but for
real its a miracle that I haven´t been bitten by now. But thats the perks
of being on the Lords team. He always has your back!

I love you all!
Hermana Anderson

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