Wednesday, February 2, 2011

This week has been an interesting one. I almost died 3 times.. hahahaha mom stop freaking out I know your probably almost pooped your pants but I'll tell you about it later in the email it wasn't even bad. haha ok anyways for the funny good stuff. This week we found out we have a rat/mouse somthing anyways in our apartment. We woke up at 6 30 and we were out in our living room attempting to work out but our fatigued bodies were lying helplessly on the floor after trying to do pushups and whatnot. Anyways out of the corner of my eye I saw somthing about the size of a baseball or fist run by super fast and I was like what was that! Elder Wood saw it too and so we were like I think it was a rat or somthing so we looked everywhere and under one of our couches we found some poop. (Mouse or rat--not human just for whoever thought it was human when they read that) Anyways so we went to walmart and bought those glue boards that are super strong and we put them in a corner with chocolate on the opposite side so you had to cross them to get to it and then in the morning we come out and they were moved and have hair all over them. The sick beast went across and riped himself out and then still ate the chocolate and got away. Sick. So we have been trying to catch him for a couple days now so hopefully tomorrow morning is our day :) Oh and another gross thing. We were teaching this one family and there was like a cockroach on the couch crawling like a foot away from my head. sweet eh? thats how cool the mission is. Thats really the only wierd this that happened this week that I can think of right now anyway. So by now mom probalby has been to the bathroom so I can tell how I almost died. Me and my comp were waiting to cross the road on our bikes cuz we ride bikes here and it turns walk so we start going and this lady turning left thats coming towards us they have to yield right but ya she wasn't paying attention so she just zoomed past us and we were probalby like 6 feet away but the car behind her wasn't watching. He was doing somthing either on the phone or somthing but ya I was in the front and my comp was on the right of me so and a little back so I was going to get hit first but my comp just yells like HEY!! and the guy looks up and just swirves and probalby misses us by like 2 feet? I almost crapped my pants but now its a funny story! :) Georgia drivers are crazy down here. Ya and then we almost got hit 2 other times the next day but no big deal. So we went to this new convert house and we were teaching them and I cant really understand when people are talking super fast so they were talking while my comp and I were eating then we went to share a spiritual thought with them and my comp was like you do it so I was like ok so I just used a scripture mastery I know in english but I obviously read it in spanish and just bore my testimony about it. It was 2 Nephi 2:27 if you were wondering and then they were like were you listening to our convo and my comp explained I cant understand them and they were like we were just talking about agency and whatnot. I thought it was really cool how the spirit directs us even though we dont think or realize He does. That is pretty my the highlite of my week. Oh everything fell through our baptisms and our lessons. We were supposed to have like 8 in one day which is good and all but 2 fell through so its frustrating but you just have to keep going. Alot of the spanish people wont tell you to their face they arent interested they are really nice but just dont answer or purposely leave when we come back but hopefully this new week brings success. Carlos just hasn't been there but I think hes interested so we will just have to see :) It was actually really nice out a coupel days ago I mightve even got a little bit of a tan :) but its raining today so that kinda stinks. Anyways. I cant really thikn of what else to tell you. 
Elder Anderson

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