Monday, February 7, 2011

So this week has been so very very bad......hahaha. No in all seriousness. Okay I have a little story for you here we go.
      Once upon a time there were 2 amazing Hermana´s in San Rafael. They went to Church on Sunday and the Stake Prez. told all the members how blessed they would be if they would feed the missionaries. So we get like a apt. everyday right after that right? Your all thinking SWEET!! Well good for you. You won´t be in a moment. So we go to two great families and things are great with get fed pasta that is delicous and extrememly filling. I just feel like I want to barf because I ate so much. (out of neccesity) So things are good and we have a new bishop that just got called so she wanted to have lunch with us on Wednesday and so we said sure! So she came and picked us up from the Capilla. (Chapel) and drove us way out to her house. Let me just add that Hna. Pelton and I were fasting this day because the zone was all fasting for success with our baptismal dates etc. So first of all we are starving. Try tracting in the heat with you have no food in your stomach. Ya NOT fun. One thing to add is that we are allowed to drink water when we fast because otherwise we would probably like of dehydration or something. So don´t worry mom. :) So we get to her house at 1:30 and then are like great okay we can eat now. Oh no......the food all has to be cooked. And what are we having? Meatloaf. Ya thats what I thought! How much more American can you get right? So I was like cool okay. So an hour later the meatloaf is ready so we have meatloaf and salad (salad to the Argentines is lettuce drenched in oil and salt) ya.....So we are eating and this meatloaf isn´t like normal meatloaf oh no...There are eggs and ham inside. WEIRD!! But I was starving so I ate it and it tasted good. So we eat all this then they are like what do you want for dessert. So we said WATERMELON!! I can´t remember the spanish word for it. But they gave me like half the was so good! I was so thirsty so it was perfect. So they then go to take us home and right before we leave they gave us a bottle of homemade durazno (peach) jam and some homemade honey! YUM!!! So we were stoked. So we get home and we are so hot and tired so we rested for a bit and revamped to go out for the evening. Then that evening things are going fine and then Hna. Pelton starts feeling kinda sick. She is like man I am really not feeling good! So we though she was just like dehydrated or something so we went and got a few grocceries and then went home. She went to go to bed early and I came like 10 min after her and was feeling great. So we go to bed. Now you may be thinking where is this story going Hna. Anderson.....This is where is gets crazy.
  So I wake up in the night with extremely painful stomach cramps! I am like what the freak but then I notice that Hna. Pelton is also awake and that she is running a fever and is not doing so well. So I get up and try to help her cool down and so we are out in the hall (I think it was like 1 or 2 in the morning at this point.) And I am trying to help her between cramps. Not so fun. Finally we both go back to bed. Not for long. I wake up again at like 4 or 5 and she is up again. And this time I am really not feeling good. I get up to go to the bathroom and I almost pass out. I am crawling to the bathroom and I start throwing up. I hold it is luckily and make it to the toilet. Not fun. If you have ever had like the flu and were in a place that is hot.....ya thats what it was like. Cooling down is not so easy. So I feel a little better now and I clumsily crawl back to my bed. Hna. Pelton and I are both  running a fever and are both feeling like crap. So we did not go out Friday obviously and we called the nurse and she talked to Hna. Pelton and then asked to talk to me. First thing she says is....Welcome to Argentina!! I was like ohhhh..... So it turns out that we think we got food poisoning from the meatloaf.....yes even writing that word right now is making my stomach churn. We didn´t go out till Saturday night and even then we were both still not feeling great. Even today my stomach is still tender and queasy but I am okay! Dont´worry. So the work this week....yup. Actaully the Lord really did bless us with 5 news on Satuday we needed 4 and he gave us 5! It was great. 

So that is the epicness Lots of other funny things happened like the woman is our ward named Ana Rosa I love her she is our doctrine principles teacher and a little eccentric. Lets just say I told her and she understood that I did not understand Spanish but did that stop her from talking my ear off? Nope! So I just kept smiling and nodding and saying oh bueno! SI! hahahaha. I guess it worked. 
Okay so they have this really cool thing here every year when they harvest the grapes they pick a princess and these are like girls that are like 16 or something and so we were out last night tracting and on our way home we pass this street and its closed off. They are doing this comp. with the princesses!! They would have them go up on stage and step into they big vats and crush the grapes with their feet!! The men were all dressed in their traditional clothes etc. It was really cool! I couldn´t help but think of the movie a walk in the clouds!! Also one thing that is so tasty here in Argentina are facturas! They are like a croissant with sweet glaze stuff on them.....oh man....So Today for P-Day we went to a BODEGA!! A winery! It was so cool! We took a taxi out there and they gave us a tour through the factory and told us all how it was made. This is all in spanish of course so my comp. would trans. for me. It was really really cool and they had samples after of the white wine with tasted like martenellies!! HAHA Ya right!! Don´t worry I didn´t drink any of it mom...... :) Promise! Thats about it for this week. Sorry so dull.....being sick is no fun thats for sure! Anyways this week is going to be good I have a good feeling!

Con Amor!

Hermana Anderson

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