Tuesday, February 15, 2011

HOLY COW!!! This week has been a whirlwind of things!!! Not even kidding!!

Okay so the begining of the week was good we were working hard and then we had divisions. So two Hermanas came from a different area in the mission to teach us and to go out and work with us. Hermana Burnett and Hermana Deem. They are both dying this transfer (that means they are going home. :)  So they came on Wednesday and it was good they taught us a lot about the importance of setting baptismal fetchas in the first lesson. That has really been the push in our mission. So they taught us about that and then we did a little practice and then we went out! So I went out with Hermana Burnett and Hermana Pelton went out with Hermana Deem. IT WAS AMAZING!!! I had to pull up my socks and lead for the first time since I have been here! I have never been so terrified in my whole life!!! So I took the map we made some quick plans and off we went! It was so strange not to be out with Hna. Pelton but Hna. Burnett is so great! She is one incredible missionary. We were just go go go 100% I was like woah okay! I didn´t even have time to think! So we went to out first apt. and taught this woman named Maria. she was a little bit crazy.....one of my favorite things that the people here do when they pray is they hold their hands out upwards to recieve the blessings from God. It cracks me right up. So then we finished with her and we just went out and knocked some doors and contacted some of our ABL´s. So we knock into this one door and Hna. Burnett is just like hey can we come in and share a message with you about God and Jesus Christ? This girl is like sure. So we go in and talk about AMAZING!! Their names are Grisel y Validia. They were so much fun. Validia is 27 and Grisel is 21. so it was really easy just to talk to both of them. We got talking and I was talking the most I have ever talked in a lesson. Then Hna. Burnett asked me to tell them why I came on a mission. So I told them about an experience I had and bore testimony to them. The spirit was really strong and I felt so comfortable with the spanish because they were helping me with the words etc. Oh FYI they don´t call it Espanol here they call it Castallana. I think thats how you spell it. Remember the ll has a shhh sound here in Argentina. Anyways so they were so amazing and we have these things called the preguntas de alma. The questions of the soul. So we had them look at the card and they were like ya! I have that question!! So they wanted us to mark it in the BOM for them and then they started looking up the scripts and marking them!!! Remember this is the first time we have met them! Talk about Golden! We were so stoked! So we finished up the lesson and commited them to be baptized if they prayed and found out our message was true. They said they would. So we left and Hna. Burnett and I were on air! We were soooo excited it was a sweet miracle from the Lord! So we gave a quick prayer of gratitude and went on working. For the first time in my mission I felt like a real missionary! It was so cool! So then we got back to the pench that night and talked with everyone and what not and that was good. The next day Hna. Pelton and I went out again and it was good. Then we had some more training in the afternoon. We were taught a lot about the importance of goal making. I learned so much! Goals are sooooo powerful if you set them with the Lord. That is the key. But also celebrating when you reach that goal. I really have a hard time with that one because I never feel like I acomplish goals well enough however the Hna´s made a great point. They said that Pres. said its so important to celebrate because is resets your mind spirit etc. to start again. It is SO true!! So for all you goal setters out there make sure you take the time to celebrate a little for the little goals and the big. Have some fun with it! The sky is the limit! So then that evening after we finished everything we went to my favortie place! The Plaza San Martin!!! And we celebrated!! All 6 of us Hermana´s We had Helado and dorritos (which tasted sooooo amazing I feel like I haven´t had anything like that in like 20 years!!) and some little Argentina cookie things! Also we were having this competition who could say the word baptism the most in a lesson......who won? Hermana Pelton and I of course! 45 times!!! WOOT! It was awesome! 

Okay so then the Hermana´s left Friday morning and I was sad to see them go. They taught me so much! But thats how the mish is unfortunately. So Friday we went out and worked and we had the SWEETEST night! It was the Vindimia (spl?) and its when they pick the princess for the harvest and they were having a parade down our street! So we finished up our ABL and we went to Belen this delicious bakery place and got some empenadas and some facturas! Sooooo good! And we went and watched the parade! So one thing you have to know about Argentina is their parades they don´t really hand out candy...well for this parade because it was the harvest parade thing. They handed out fruit!!!! It was sooo cool another blessing from the Lord because I am always starving here and that fruit saved me cause I was running out of food! hahaha. So that was really cool. It started raining and all the people on the street went under the business awning and there are us 4 little Hna´s just standing in the rain smiling huge loving every minute of it! haha. So that was seriously so sweet! I loved all the traditional dress and the culture of it! So great! 

So then Saturday and Sunday were seriously like dead! Aaaand so was I. I felt sooo exhausted and felt like I had no energy for anything.....gosh its tough when that happens as a missionary.....really tough. But we pushed through that. So today was P-day..oh ya so good. we went to this place called Valle Grande. Its this huge resavior like an hour away. So we hired a traffic and they came and picked up our zone. It was really fun and we got some great pictures. I got a great sunburn yes! I also bought some sweet leaf earings! So be excited for those in my future pics.....they are currently the only earings I own....hahaha. Bueno. So ya its been really great and this next week Hna. Pelton and I have some great plans and goals and some great celebrations planned when we achieve our goals! love it. 

So I have an announcement to make......ahem.....I will reach my 1 month mark in Argentina on the 17th next week!! Where did the time go!!!! Transfers are in two weeks!!! WOAH!!!!! I know time is seriously flying and yet it seems like time doesn´t exist. It´s just weird.....I hope you are all doing well! Thanks to everyone for the mail it made my day that much better!! I love you all and look forward to hearing from you all next week!!

Con Amor

Hermana Anderson

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