Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Happy Christmas everyone!!! I can´t believe how fast this year has
flown by! I feel like just yesterday sometimes that I arrived in
Argentina almost a year ago and that I was in the MTC with Scotty last
Christmas! Wow. So this week has been an interesting one. I had to do
to Mendoza to renew some visa things and got that all figured out and
we stayed with some other Hermanas in the offices. Hermana Ricks and
Haskell. Hermana Ricks was training Hermana Haskell and My comp
Hermana John was Hermana Haskells comp in the MTC. So that was fun we
enjoyed visiting with them. Hermana Ricks is a hairdresser so she cut
my hair for me! I felt so pampered it had been so long. Dont worry
though I just got a trim so it was good. I am growing it out! haha. So
that was a fun break in the week and then we just got right back to
work when we got back. Its been sooooooo hot here this week seriously
and summer hasnt really hit yet so I am just sooooo excited for the
real summer to hit. I am somewhat bronzed for me hahaha not sickly
white right haha. No but I have a great farmers tan. Anyways we have
been working with this less active family here and they are all coming
to church now!!! So great and the Dad wants us to teach his son and
baptize him he is the only one not baptized. There are 8 in the family
so I feel like I am at home when I am there. So we went and visited
them yesterday and it was so great teaching a whole family and we had
a lot of fun together and I took some pics with them that I will try
to include. Anyways also we had the opportunity to go and visit and
member in our District leaders area that borders ours and visit with
her and the recent convert of them that lives with the memeber. She
had a reference for us but it fell through so we just visited and it
was great. She love Hermanas and she just loves us. So we sang some
Christmas songs with them before leaving and it left a really nice
spirit. I love the Christmas hymns. We have been carrying our Hymnals
everywhere lately because we love singing to the people and they love
it to and it just brings a great spirit and sometimes its a really
easy way to get into a house just to sing for people. So this week we
are going to utilize it. Anyways other than that a good week. We are
just really trying to get our invetigators progressing and sometimes
its just like pulling teeth so we are being patient and just trying to
go by the spirit.

So this weekend we planned to do a special Christmas Early! Because we
have transfer Wednesday right before Christmas so we wanted to
celebrate together so we all made raviolis Sunday night with a special
red sauce and white sauce and cheese it was soooooo good and some
sparkling pineapple juice stuff then we also had a ton of deserts and
stuff wicked good! We decorated the pench all up and we had all picked
eachothers names and stuff and so it was good because we did that this
morning. So last night we did more of a spiritual night and then this
morning we did the gifts it was so fun we woke up and just were all so
excited like little kids! More for eachother to open up and see what
we got them! haha. I love it. So we all opened out gifts and I LOVED
what I got. Hermana John got to fill my stocking so she filled it with
my favorite little candies here and then with some sweet pens and
marker pens and sticky notes which were well needed and also some
really good chocolate. She knitted a little touque for Rolloff the
monkey and I was laughing so hard!! I love it though. So then I got a
braceltet and earings from hermana Ponce and Hermana Dana got me an
thing for my hair and a sweet little wooden tree souvenir thing that I
LOVE!!!! I love trees and they is call El Arbol de la Vida  or the
Tree of Life! Thats what they call it here! Isn´t that so sweet!? So
it has lots of significance for me. Anyways we made a killer fruit
salad and it was so good and we ate that for breakfast so it was a
good Christmas.

Last night we got transfer calls and I am leaving. I am going to an
area called Maipu (pronouced my poo) hahahahahaha I know but for reals
thats how its pronouced. Anyways so Hermana Ricks is coming here to be
comps with Hermana John and I am going to be Hermana Haskells comp.
Kinda funny cause me and Hermana Ricks are just switching areas and
comps. We will be having the mission Christmas party after Christmas
the 26th and 27th I think or maybe 27th and 28th and we get to be with
San Rafael so I will see Hermanas John Ponce and Dana in like a week
again hahaha. I am stoked cause I will miss them all a lot. I have
been here for a long time and I love the members so much and all of
them wanted me to be able to stay for Christmas they were going to
call President it was pretty funny. I just laughed but I really will
miss it here. I love this area and the people here but I know the Lord
needs me in Maipu and that there are people there that I need to help.
Its always refreshing to go to a new area and have a new comp just
always helps us progress even more so that will be good for me I know.
I have 4 more tranfers in the mission. I know that these last 6 months
is really my time to shine I have a good handle on the language now (I
am still learning everyday) and I know what I need to do. So I am
excited to just go and give my all. Anyways I hope you all have a
merry Christmas and that you enjoy this season. Even though the best
members of the family aren´t there namely me and scotty. But don´t
worry next year we will be there and then you can truly enjoy the
Christmas season. :)

Anyways I love you all. Merry Christmas! ¡Feliz Navidad!

Hermana Anderson

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