Monday, November 28, 2011

Hey Family!

So this week has been a good week. A very very hot week but good. So
last Monday we were out working and we found this man and his wife
that we had talked to previously. Well we taught them and just let me
tell you that I have never talked to someone that knew the bible that
good. It was  incredible. He said he is a Jew but that he believes
Christ is the Savior. He said their religion kinda specifies on
focusing on going back to the original form of the bible. In eleven
years (he is young  by the way probs like in his mid 30s) he has
learned how to read and write and speak Hebrew and he knows the bible
so well. Anyways we shared the Book of Mormon with him and he said he
would read it. We invited our Stake Patriarch (who is in our ward) to
accompany us the the lesson so that will be a big help hopefully. We
also were able to talk to a bunch of other people and teach some new
people one of them being a lady who we had contacted while me and
Hermana Wilde were together but she went on Holidays to Bueno Aires
but she is back and we taught her and she came to church and she loved
it! We were really excited! It was tough because this family we had
been working with didnt come even though they said they would but this
other lady just said she would come by herself. Hermana John and I
were just waiting outside and at 9 no one was there so we just were
like well.......we did what we could. So we headed back inside and sat just after the sacrament she comes in!!! We were so
excited!!! She has such great faith in God so we are really excited
for her and are going to see her tommorow. Also this other reference
we got from another ward we contacted and she and her son were there
and we taught them and they were great we are going to go see
tommorow. I really hope we can get some people progressing here and
working towards would be a blessing. This ward needs so
much help...we have just been trying and trying to get people to
church and progressing its just hard work here. So it was American
Thanksgiving this last weekend and as part of the celebration we chose
to cook Thanksgiving dinner! So who cooked it....yes  the Hermanas
because the dang elders never help us! hahah. But it was good. They
dont have turkey here so we cooked chicken and mashed potatoes and
salad and I cooked gravy!! I nailed it too! It was sooo dang good!
Thanks mom for teaching me so well. Also dad I would also like to say
thanks to you and Layne for teaching me how to wire houses.  In our
pench our light switch was busted so we went and bought a new one and
I changed all the wiring with a knife I might add. We didnt have a
screw driver...I was so proud. hahaha. But ya it was good to work hard
this week and see a lot of people but we have been changing the way we
have been working and been working more for quality as opposed to
cuantity. We are being blessed. We did divisions yesterday and I went
out with Hermana Dana. It was great. We had a lot of success. I love
teaching with her. Hopefully we can be comps some day before I leave
the mission. I feel so old in our pench I have over a year in the
mission now and then hermana Dana and John both have like 4 months and
then Hermana Ponce has 1 month and a little bit.....they all tell me I
am the pench mother....hahahahaha Its funny because Hermana Dana is 32
and I am 22 soo.....but we all get along so well so its a blessing. So
we are going to have transfers on the 20th and I am thinking I am
probably going. So we were talking and its kinda sucky that we arent
going to be all together for Christmas so we are celebrating the 18th
(christmas eve) and the 19th (P-day Christmas day) and we picked names
and stockings and everything. Its going to be great! I got Hermana
Johns name and Hermana Danas name for her stocking. We are going to do
some caroling for some of the people in our complex and try to think
of some other things to do. So it should be fun. Then on the real
Christmas I will have in my new area with my new comp. I am sad
beacuse I wanted to spend Christmas with the members here because I
know them and love them. But I will go where the Lord wants me and it
will be a great Christmas igual. Anyways I hope the fires get calmed
down that is crazy I am glad everyone is safe and that you got the
tree up and everything. Its so weird. Its so Hot here and they have
Christmas decorations up. Instead of coming home at night and rubbing
my cold red hands together to get warm or sit in front of the fire
place I come home and wash off my feet cause I am not sure if its dirt
or a tan on my feet and sit in front of the fan to cool down.....funny
how things change. hahah. But I love it I really do. I am looking
forward to my last Christmas in the mission and I know its going to be
incredible and I am going to try to make it so. So dont worry about me
here. I love you all so much and am grateful for all your support and
love and prayers! I couldnt do it without you!

Love you!
Hermana Anderson

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