Tuesday, August 23, 2011

HEY Family!!

So the drumroll you have all been waiting for where in the world is Hermana Anderson.....Transfers.....Hermana Anderson Se Va!! So I left Godoy Cruz centro which was a complete shock and I got sent to San Rafael Barrio 2!!! Which was my first area here in the mission where I started with Hermana Pelton. I didnt speak anything and so its great to be back and see everything and be able to speak! My new comp. is.......Hermana Wilde!!!! I love her to death. She is seriously hilarious and we have so much fun! I feel so different this transfer like I have woken up from a sleep! I am so excited to work with her and we have been together for a week and I feel like it has been months. We talk about everything and I feel like we are always in one long conversation! I just love her and I can tell we are going to be great friends! She has 3 transfers ahead of me and is a rock star in the language now and she is from Cali. I love her! Haha. Anyways what a change I couldnt believe it when the Zone leaders told us! It was really hard to leave Hermana Gutierrez as this is her last transfer and I wont see her again as she goes home in September. So I waited till last to give her a big hug. It was just so hard and we were both crying and just not wanting to let go. She just kept telling me we will see eachother soon! I am going to miss her so much but I have a feeling this isnt the last time I will see her! She will always be one of my best friends! Anyways so this area has so much memory for me and I just cannot believe I am here again. Its surreal almost but I am happy to be here. We went to church on Sunday and the bishop asked me to share my testimony and it was so fun to see everyones faces and they all came up to me after and just were like welcome back! One of the members asked me if I died my hair blonder because it is so much lighter now...haha. Good ole sun down here just bleached me right out and I still have one more summer to go so who knows we might be adding one more blonde to the family....haha. No I am red head to the end I am afraid. But ya I have learned so much from Hermana Wilde already. I love the way she teaches and I feel like I have to improve so much! But I am excited for the change. She really focuses on Christ and just explains the restoration so well so that everytime I listen my testimony is stronger. Plus I l just love her becuase she is so great and we just laugh all day. For example I walk into our room today from the bathroom and she is standing on my bed with a scarf on her head looking like a ninja and she proceeded to attack me! I was just dying of laughing. I know we are going to have some crazy fun times this transfer. I also have a great feeling about this area. Its really been sufferring and I know that we are going to turn it around. So we have this investigator and she is great she has a smoking problem but other than that she has been taught everything. So we have her on the goal of only smoking one cigarette a day and then we are going to cut her down more. We hope to get her baptized within the next two weeks. So something way funny about her is that she pretty much loves us. Hermana Wilde has a way pretty singing voice very sweet and our Inv. always wants her to hum a song yes hum not sing. She loves the sound of the humming. So dang Hermana Wilde made me hum with her now cause she found out I can sing harmony and so know everytime we pass we have to hum together hymns for her. Its so funny! Any everytime we finish she stands up and gives each of us like 5 kisses on the cheek. She just smothers us in love and calls us her bon bons (candies chocolates) Reinas(queens) or angeles(angels) and we just laugh so much. She loves church so we are just working with her to get her to stop smoking and then we can help her get baptized..so ya. The other two Hermana in the pench are great Hermana Thatcher and Hermana Dana(Latin) so we have a lot of fun. Hermana Thatcher is really tall and strong and so she always beats us up today we both went and attacked her as ninjas and then we ran and she chased us into our room and jumped on top of me and threw me down hard on the bed I was just like HERMANA WILDE HELP ME I was laughing so hard and just trying to protect my feet. So ya I just feel so different this transfer. I feel more alive and just so excited for the work....so this is a huge blessing for me! As for my feet.....they are doing better. They are still sore as the scarred part that is still healing is really red some days but is really thick and hurts with pressure so I am trying to massage it out but I am afraid it is going to scar pretty bad....dang it! Oh well. But Hermana Avila(Presidents Wife) called me this week just to see how I am was doing in the new area and with my feet. She said we have all been wanting to know how your doing. It was really nice and I really appreciated it. So dont worry mom I have a few substitute moms down here that are keeping an eye on me for you while I am here. But your irriplaceable trust me. Anyways. Thats just a little from my week and I am sure there will be many more things to come so stay tuned!!
I love you all and couldn´t be happier than I am right now!
With all my love
Hermana Anderson

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